Initial Log In Instructions
Step 1: For first time logging in or if you forgot your password click the "Forgot Your Password?" hyperlink.
Step 2: The next popup asks for your Username. Your Username is set to be the first initial of your first name followed by your last name. For example, Fred Jones will be fjones. Then click the CONTINUE button to proceed.
Step 3: The next screen asks for you to enter your social security number. Once entered click the CONTINUE button to proceed.
Step 4: The next screen allows you to set your password. For security reasons your new password must contain the following information: a minimum of 8 characters in length, upper case letter, lower case letter, number, symbol.
Step 5: Once you enter your password click the CONTINUE button to proceed.
Step 6: You are brought back to the initial log in screen. Enter your new password and click the LOGIN button to proceed.
Step 7: For security reasons you will be required to validate your account. You have the ability to select which one you would like to be required. This will allow a code to be sent to you to authenticate your account. Click SAVE button to proceed.
Step 8: You are brought to the main screen but this DOES NOT complete your login process. At this point LOGOUT of the application.
Step 9: Continue through the login screen again.
Step 10: At this point the security application will initiate sending you a code to authenticate your account. Select the method you would like it sent to you. Click the SEND message button.
Step 11: The screen changes to inform you that the message has been sent.
Step 12: Enter the code you received via the medium you chose. If you plan on accessing the application from the same browser and computer you may choose to check the bottom box. If you plan to work from multiple machines or various browsers it is best to leave the box unchecked. An unchecked box will require this authentication each time. Click CONTINUE.
Step 13: You are now set up and the application is ready for use.